About Us

Name: Just call me Cissy
Age: I’m a teenager.
Gender: F
Hi, Cissy here. And no, Cissy is not my actual name. Narcisa is my real (middle) name, so that's where it comes from, if you’re interested. I used to be on a huge Sims 2 and 3 website, but because of this huge misunderstanding crap thing, got banned along with Catri. I play guitar and piano. I can also kind of play trombone and cello. I can speak English, French, and Polish fluently, but I really want to learn Spanish or Greek. I'm a Harry Potter dork, and I love to read. Just not Twilight. Don't get me started about that. I like rock and punk-rock, and my favorite bands are Linkin Park, Avenged Sevenfold, Guns 'n' Roses, Evanescence, and Flyleaf. Even though Harry P is my life, my favorite movies are definitely GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra, Avatar, and Sherlock Holmes. Oh, and Star Wars. Star Wars is amazing. Star Trek, on the other hand, sucks. My favorite shows are CSI and Metalocalypse. G'bye!

Name: my nickname is Catri
Age: I’m also a teenager
Gender: F
Hi, I’m Catri. My real name’s not Catri, that’s more of a nickname of mine. Cissy already explained to you what happened, so yeah… I like to play guitar, and I also play piano and flute. Oh, and I sing. My favorite music genre is heavy metal; my favorite bands are Children of Bodom, Dethklok, and Kamelot. Some of my inspirations and influences are Alexi Laiho, Yngwie Malmsteen, the Great Kat, Simone Simons, and Roy Khan. I also like most other kinds of music. My favorite non-metal artists are Ayumi Hamasaki, Hikaru Utada, Maria Mena, and Lady GaGa. My favorite television series are Metalocalypse (Toki FTW) and the Office. I am learning how to speak Norwegian and Japanese right now… I can already speak French and English fluently. I think that’s all. Oh, and I'm pretty sure I'm in love with Alexi Laiho and Toki Wartooth. At the same time. Right. Bye.

Our Purpose:
To provide everyone with free, high-quality custom content for Sims 2

Our Goal:
To get at least 100 downloads per month

Our Story:
We used to be on a very large, popular, famous Sims 2 and 3 custom content website because of an enormous misunderstanding, a big fat lie, and a particularly stubborn admin who hates to be proven wrong. We were banned from the website, long story short, so we moved to Blogger and are now making amazing stuff, but no one is noticing us, so we’re wasting away in the corner.

Subsection “Genetics”
Skintones - Cissy
Eyes - Cissy (realistic/unrealistic), Catri (unrealistic)
Hair - Cissy (recolors/retextures), Catri (recolors/retextures)

Subsection "Facial Hair and Miscellaneous"
Clothing - Cissy (recolors/retextures), Catri (recolors/retextures)
Eyebrows - none
Facial Hair - none
Stubble - none

Subsection “Makeup”
Eyeliner - Catri
Eyeshadow - none
Blush - none
Lipstick - Catri
Full-Face Makeup - none

Subsection “Sims”
Celebrity Sims - Catri
Fantasy Sims - Catri, Cissy
Miscellaneous - Cissy, Catri

Subsection “Buy Mode”
General Objects - Catri (recolors/retextures)
Wall Hangings - Cissy (recolors/retextures), Catri (recolors/retextures)

Subsection “Build Mode”
Flooring - Cissy
Walls - Cissy

Careers - Cissy, Catri